Magic mushroom experience in an abandoned building in Phuket, Thailand
After necking a mushroom shake in Phuket's Reggae Bar, me and Shane decided to go on a little adventure...I’m standing in a tree house, looking down at dead body in a car.
It’s in pieces, like my distorted mind.. One of the side effects of necking a magic mushroom shake, apparently.
It was our last day in Phuket, so we thought we’d make it a special one with the help of psilocybin – the magical ingredient inside the warped fungi.
Where you can buy mushroom shakes in Phuket, Thailand

The Reggae Bar in Rawai, is known for its homegrown mushroom shakes, which you can buy for 400 Thai baht (that’s about a tenner).
20-30 minutes after drinking the blended shroom brew, we started to feel it take over.
Note: It tastes like sh*t!
Mushroom Shakes in Phuket (Reggae Bar)

Deals to Phuket on Travel Supermarket.
As always, Shane come up first, most likely because he hadn’t eaten in hours.
The psychedelic trance music kept him entertained for a bit – and this tent.
“IT’S SO FUN” – I can remember him saying throughout the night, whilst donning a smile that stretched across his entire face.
“SO FUN!!!”
Meanwhile, I’d managed to leave the club, find a lake and chill on a bench while looking up at the stars – which appear much bigger and brighter when you’re off your tits.

Quite beautiful actually.
Before long, I’d nodded off into my own little world, a peaceful moment of serenity.
I was only gone for 6 minutes (yes, I timed it) – but it felt like HOURS!
As I snapped back to reality, I noticed a couple of mozzies had taken advantage of my warm, semi-conscious body.
Blood sucking, little sh*ts!! Where the f*ck is a can of Raid when you need it.
As I got back to the Reggae Bar, I took a much needed piss.

Kind of freaked out when the urinal fired it straight back at me.
Turns out it wasn’t connected to a waste pipe. Nice.
So after cleaning up and finding Shane, we decided to take a little detour around the building until we found a strange place next door called Yoonique Stone.

It’s a bar, kind of… but with some seriously twisted props – which reminded us of the Saw film.
“Wanna play a game?”
Our curiosity lured us towards a set of ladders which lead us into a trippie treehouse, kitted out with mediation beds and other weird stuff to play with.
It’s the ultimate chill zone, until you look over the edge and see a mangled up corpse inside a crashed 1980s Cadillac.

Okay, it wasn’t a real body but when you’re off your face it’s still a pretty f*cked up thing to see.
Like idiots, we left shortly after and hit the empty streets on our Scoopy – one of those retro scooters.
The ride, was just as refreshing as it was irresponsible.
I don’t think there’s any recorded deaths of people actually dying from eating Magic Mushrooms…
It’s their stupid f*cking behaviour that get’s them killed – and riding a scooter is one example.
Another example, perhaps stumbling into an abandoned building?
The place was a wreck but it didn’t stop us checking each and every room and finding all sorts of cr*p along the way.

Mannequins, bottles of piss and at one point we thought we’d found some kind of explosive device.
Shane even bagged himself a free pair of shoes.

But it wasn’t until we reached the end of the gigantic passage when we discovered what we’d been exploring….
A Thai football stadium… or at least that’s what it used to be!

After finally satisfying our wandering minds, we decided to chill out on a beach, discussed a few world problems, come up with cures and then forget them by the time the psychedelic wore off completely.
The entire experience lasted 3 hours 22 minutes from the moment we had the shake to bedtime.
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Fun fact: Did you know Bill Gates and Steve Jobs took psychedelics?
Time distortion is one of the many potent effects you get from Mushrooms – it felt like we’d been out for much longer.
What a trip!!
For more information on Magic Mushrooms, give frank an email: or visit